Vatsal Kanakiya


Vatsal Kanakiya is a Principal and CTO at 100X.VC, Web3 Investor at 2AM VC, and Partner at Mehta Ventures. This is his personal website and blog.

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16 February 2020

Stock Market Slumps and 51% attacks

by Vatsal Kanakiya

Stock Market Slumps are basically 51% attacks on the public markets.

In the BitCoin Blockchain, any decision about the network can be put in effect as long as 51% or more of the computing power is behind the decision.

Stock Markets work similarly. When 51% of the money invested in the markets think it’s a bull market, the market will grow. When a majority turns bearish, the market as a whole slumps.

Currently in India, despite the slowdown, the unemployment, the internal turmoil, the markets have been growing and reaching new highs. This only tells me that a majority of India still believes in the India story.

I believe in the India story. Despite whatever the short term signals say about the country’s economy, we will find a way. We always have. I am long India.

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tags: stock - markets - slumps - India - story - growth - venture - capital - economics - 3-minute-thoughts - misc